Package SPARQLWrapper :: Module Wrapper :: Class QueryResult
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Class QueryResult

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object --+

Wrapper around an a query result. Users should not create instances of this class, it is generated by a SPARQLWrapper.query call. The results can be converted to various formats, or used directly.

If used directly: the class gives access to the direct http request results self.response: it is a file-like object with two additional methods: geturl() to return the URL of the resource retrieved and info() that returns the meta-information of the HTTP result as a dictionary-like object (see the urllib2 standard library module of Python).

For convenience, these methods are also available on the instance. The __iter__ and next methods are also implemented (by mapping them to self.response). This means that the common idiom:

for l in obj : do_something_with_line(l)

would work, too.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, result)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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Return the URI of the original call.
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Return the meta-information of the HTTP result.
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Return an iterator object.
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Method for the standard iterator.
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Python dictionary
Convert a JSON result into a Python dict.
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PyXlib DOM node
Convert an XML result into a Python dom tree.
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RDFLib Graph
Convert a RDF/XML result into an RDFLib triple store.
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Convert a RDF Turtle/N3 result into a string.
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RDFLib Graph
Convert a RDF JSON-LDresult into an RDFLib triple store.
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Encode the return value depending on the return format:
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print_results(self, minWidth=None) source code
__get_results_width(self, results, minWidth=2) source code
__get_prettyprint_string_sparql_var_result(self, result) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
Set the Python module for encoding JSON data.
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Instance Variables [hide private]
the direct HTTP response; a file-like object, as return by the urllib2.urlopen library call.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, result)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

  • result - HTTP response stemming from a SPARQLWrapper.query call, or a tuple with the expected format: (response,format)
Overrides: object.__init__


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Return the URI of the original call.

Returns: string


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Return the meta-information of the HTTP result.

Returns: dictionary
meta information


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Return an iterator object. This method is expected for the inclusion of the object in a standard for loop.

Static Method

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Set the Python module for encoding JSON data. If not an allowed value, the setting is ignored.
   JSON modules supported:
     - ``simplejson``:
     - ``cjson``:
     - ``json``: This is the version of ``simplejson`` that is bundled with the
       Python standard library since version 2.6
@param module: Possible values: are L{simplejson}, L{cjson}, L{json}. All other cases raise a ValueError exception.
@type module: string


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Convert a JSON result into a Python dict. This method can be overwritten in a subclass for a different conversion method.

Returns: Python dictionary
converted result


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Convert an XML result into a Python dom tree. This method can be overwritten in a subclass for a different conversion method.

Returns: PyXlib DOM node
converted result


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Convert a RDF/XML result into an RDFLib triple store. This method can be overwritten in a subclass for a different conversion method.

Returns: RDFLib Graph
converted result


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Convert a RDF Turtle/N3 result into a string. This method can be overwritten in a subclass for a different conversion method.

Returns: string
converted result


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Convert a RDF JSON-LDresult into an RDFLib triple store. This method can be overwritten in a subclass for a different conversion method.

Returns: RDFLib Graph
converted result


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Encode the return value depending on the return format:

  • in the case of XML, a DOM top element is returned;
  • in the case of JSON, a simplejson conversion will return a dictionary;
  • in the case of RDF/XML, the value is converted via RDFLib into a Graph instance.

In all other cases the input simply returned.

the converted query result. See the conversion methods for more details.